Best age for your newborn photoshoot

newborn baby girl having a cuddle with mummy and daddy

The first 2 weeks

Your newborn photoshoot is best planned within the first 2 weeks after the birth. That’s when baby is still very tiny, they love to curl up like in the womb and they still sleep a lot for quite long stretches.

They like to be wrapped in blankets, being cosy and warm or just be on your skin.

Photographers like to capture your precious memories in this short window as baby will sleep a lot and stay still for long moments, which is the best for close up photos. Think about all those little details you will want to remember because they will never be that small anymore ! The little fingers, little toes, the flake on their skin and the baby hair that will fall out after a few days. Even after a week, they will have already changed so much, trust me.

All my sessions are baby-led. I want your experience to be relaxing and peaceful, so we will go at baby’s pace.  My studio will be nice and warm, so baby feels relaxed. I like to play some peaceful music in the background, in addition of mu susher.

Prepare to be present : There are very few times in life when we are completely switched off from the outside world and totally present with our children - make this time one of those. Take this time to breathe them in, enjoy them, be present and remember why you are doing this. You are capturing precious memories you will cherish forever and making your kids feel loved and adored. No expectations, no worries about the end result, pick your outfit and relax - I will handle the rest.

Create emotions : to show emotions & connections on the photos, I will pose you as close as physically possible. Touching each other is the best way to create connection, like forehead against forehead, or Mum resting her head on Dad’s chest while he is holding baby. I will either ask you to look at baby or look at each other (and sometimes at my lenses, but that’s the photo for the grand-parents!). So be prepared to be all squishy !

daddy holding his newborn girl in his arms and smelling her

Up to 6 weeks old

Have you missed the window of the first 2 weeks ? Maybe baby was born premature or you were not feeling very well in the first weeks and that’ s totally normal, don’t you worry.

We can still capture your precious little bundle. We might need a bit more time (that’s why the session is always planned for 2 hours ). We will need to feed more often, or cuddle a bit more while shushing baby.

I also have my automatic susher in the background which is such a precious useful little gadget !

There might be a poo (or a few more !) and that’s completely normal!

Book in advance to not be disappointed

Because the window to capture your little one is quite short (especially if you want it to happen in those first 10 days), be sure to book your newborn photoshoot ahead of time. You can already book it right after your 20 weeks scan.

We will pencil a date at 7-10 days after your due date, and I always block some dates in my calendar before / after this date, as babies never arrive on the exact day !

Once baby has arrived, just let me know and we will re-adjust the date.

Do you have more questions on your newborn photoshoot ? Head to my Newborn page and check the FAQ section at the bottom. Your question is not there ? contact me directly on my website or send me and email at

Love, Claire xx

mummy smiling at newborn baby girl

”Claire is so lovely, her studio is perfect and the photos she took of my son are just beautiful! Claire has a way with children which definitely brings out the best in them. I will go to Claire again for photos.”


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